Incense, candles, and Patanjali

Nowadays a signature scent means more than the perfume you choose to dab on your pulse points. Our personal spaces are just as important for conveying fragrance fancies. While there are people who take great care of finding the perfect perfumed candle to match their décor, there are also those who rely on a Glade plug-in to set the scent. Our venture into the home fragrance diffusion is definitely for those in the former category.
From our multifaceted approach to the lighting of space, we have experienced lighting as the single greatest determinant of how a space feels. But we also know that, while light triggers emotions and feeling in our brain, olfactory experience sets mood. Combining these two sensations was the cornerstone behind the genesis of the Patanjali® Perfume Diffuser.
Incense, candles, perfume-burners, lamps or sprays: down through the ages, the art of perfuming the home has become increasingly sophisticated. It nevertheless remains essentially based on three principles: heat, combustion and spray.
To that effect, our system efficiently combines lighting and fragrance diffusion. It re-cycles the low heat energy of its light source and uses it to diffuse essences placed in small perfume containers. Thanks to the low power consumption of its advanced solid state source, the temperature in the containers remains close to that of the human body temperature, and participate in very natural fragrance diffusion.
Light gives life, whether it is life in the larger sense or life in the individual home. So it is natural to place rigorous demands on the lamps that illuminate our surroundings. The Patanjali® Perfume Diffuser is a fusion of rigorous design and careful craftsmanship. This perfume diffuser is very unique in design, very modern yet not too flashy. Whether on or off, it ensures a functional lighting, and at the same time offers an aesthetic experience. The subtle shade prevents the light from glaring, yet it can light up the ambiance of a room.
The Patanjali® Perfume Diffuser transcends its original illuminating function. Its light surprises, suggests contemplation, triggers imagination. Add a sultry scent and you create a complete emotion.